MIM Interviews
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MORE...THE COMPASSIONATE BRAIN In this video you’ll learn: What is compassion and why is it important? What is the difference between compassion and empathy? The effects of compassion on our bodies How can compassion help us manage and take wise action in relation to our emotions (anger, fear, jealousy, envy, anxiety). Specific exercises to help…
MORE...Foundations of mindfulness In this video you’ll learn: What is mindfulness How mindfulness can support improved learning The latest cutting edge research around the benefits of mindfulness How mindfulness can help you get over your fears (including the fear of public speaking) A personal story of how mindfulness helped transform Dr. Hassed’s life Tips on…
MORE...Mindfulness for greater focus and wellbeing In this video you’ll learn: How mindfulness can be helpful at work A powerful mindfulness practice that takes less than 3 minutes and will transform your day Cutting edge research to support the benefits of mindfulness How mindfulness can make you a better leader (at home and at work!)…
MORE...Mindfulness for greater joy and happiness In this video you’ll learn: What is mindfulness? The power of setting an intention in meditation practice and in life and how to do this effectively The secret to much of our underlying dissatisfaction and a tip on overcoming it How to manage the common obstacles that arise in…
MORE...TRANSFORM YOUR STRESS AND BUILD GREATER RESILIENCE In this video you’ll learn: What is mindfulness and how it relates to our ability to manage stress What is a “mindset” and how it can powerfully change the impact of stress Practical tools to transform your stress and build resilience The surprising physiology of stress and difference…
MORE...MINDFULNESS AND THE EGO – GETTING OUT OF OUR OWN WAY In this video you’ll learn: What is mindfulness and how does it improve our psychological health What is the ego and how does mindfulness help us be more free from the negative effects of the ego What is a source of much of our…
MORE...THE BRAIN-GUT CONNECTION: LATEST RESEARCH ON THE MICROBIOME In this video you’ll learn: What is the gut microbiome? What is the relationship between stress and our microbiome? How does the gut microbiome effect our mood? How can we measure chronic stress? What is the role of microbiome gene testing – is it helpful? Listen to…
MORE...ADVANCED MINDFULNESS AND NEW PERSPECTIVES ON THE SELF In this video you’ll learn How mindfulness can change the relationship we have with our thoughts Understanding the principle of “letting go” when practising mindfulness How to manage the obstacle of boredom in meditation practice to experience greater benefits and freedom in life The two different realities…
MORE...THE WHEEL OF AWARENESS PRACTICE In this video you’ll learn What is the wheel of awareness practice and how you can use it to experience greater presence and focus How tuning into your senses can support greater wellbeing and happiness A crucial ingredient to deep transformation and how to develop it in your life How…