MIM Interviews
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MORE...MINDFULNESS FOR GREATER HAPPINESS In this video you’ll learn Researching supporting the benefits of mindfulness Natural “anti-depressants” that you can bring into your life A powerful practice called “forgive and invite” which will help you bring greater self compassion to your life How to use the power of visualisation to transform bad habits Listen…
MORE...MINDFULNESS AS A PROTECTOR OF OUR MINDS In this video you’ll learn: How mindfulness can act as a protective agent for the self and the world Why developing a literacy for naming our emotional states is key to our development How mindfulness supports greater courage How resistance commonly shows up in meditation and how to…
MORE...MINDFULNESS FOR LIFE AND WORK In this video you’ll learn What is mindfulness? How ambition can sit alongside mindfulness without being a contradiction How to better manage the uncertainty and change that come with being human How mindfulness builds greater resilience A powerful and time efficient mindfulness practice for the workplace Listen to Audio…
MORE...HOW TO ACCOMPLISH MORE BY DOING LESS In this video you’ll learn: How multitasking effects your brain and what to do to avoid it The crucial difference between mastery and perfectionism Science backed practices to overcome overwhelm and experience greater happiness in your life How to create habits that actually last Powerful tips on how…
MORE...MANAGING THE INNER CRITIC WITH MINDFULNESS In this video you’ll learn What is the inner critic? How mindfulness can help you reduce the negative effect of your inner critic A practical exercise to help you manage the inner critic What is compassion and how can you activate it in your life to experience greater happiness…
MORE...HOW WATER CHANGES EVERYTHING – FINDING YOUR PURPOSE AND CHANGING THE WORLD In this video you’ll learn About Scott’s transformative and inspiring personal story and how he created charity:water The impact that Mindful in May has had on the lives of thousands in developing countries How $50 can bring one person water for life Moving…