Day Thirty
A recorded closing group meditation
30 min meditation + group reflections + future opportunities
A final group meditation
by Elise Bialylew
*Meditation starts at ~ 8min mark. Click play above to listen to the meditation
cOngratulations for Reaching the end of Mindful in May!
Above is a recorded live call from Mindful in May. Enjoy listening and getting a sense of the community.
I shared a story in the recorded call above which highlights one of the significant benefits of mindfulness and is a powerful reminder of the fact that we can choose what and how we are paying attention in our lives, which changes everything.
The story...
One evening, an elderly Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle inside us all is between two wolves.
One wolf is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, and ego.
The other wolf is good. It is joy, peace, love, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, truth, and compassion.’
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked, ‘Grandpa, which wolf wins?’
The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one that you feed.’
As we close Mindful in May, I want to wish you well and hope that the skills and practices you have learned through this program continue to support you in feeding the “good wolf” in your life.
If you haven’t already, make the time to reflect on your Mindful in May journey with this reflection guide as a way of integrating the learning.
If you’ve loved the program and would love more time to get through all of the content and continue to develop these inner tools don’t miss the special offer to come and join the 6-month Mind Life Project online membership.
Learn more about The Mind Life Project membership here and register now. The price for the program goes up – Fri May 31st at midnight AEST – register now to save 100 dollars!
If you’ve loved MIM, you’ll love this program and I’d love to continue to support you!
It’s a powerful way to stay supported and continue your learning through monthly live guided online meditations with me, 6 month extended access to entire MIM program, written transcripts for all of the Mindful in May and SO much more…
When you register for the 6-month online Mind Life Project Program which starts June 12th you’ll get:
and more...
We all know how easy it is to let good habits slip, so joining the Mind Life Project membership is a way to keep the benefits of mindfulness in your life for the rest of the year.
Today is the last day to share your MIM testimonial with us and be in the draw to WIN FREE entry into the MLP membership.
Share your MIM reflections from this years program by making a short video (2-3min) that will serve to inspire others to join next year and benefit from the learning. When you share your video testimonial we’ll assume you’re happy for us to share your video on the Mindful in May and Mind Life Project websites and on our social media streams.
To be in the draw entries need to be received by tonight 30th May midnight AEST.
Make a video using your phone and upload it to the Mindful in May Facebook group or send it to us via dropbox or any other file transfer to [email protected] use SUBJECT: Testimonial. The video only needs to be 2-3mins.
Here are some questions to reflect upon. It doesn’t have to be perfect and you can use it as a mindfulness opportunity to just feel the fear and do it anyway! The main thing is that you share from your heart and take a moment to mindfully connect with how the program has effected you.
Here are some suggested questions to answer for your testimonial:
1. How was your Mindful in May experience?
2. What was the biggest benefit you got from the program?
3. What did you love the most about Mindful in May
4. How did you find Elise’s guidance, meditations and facilitation of the program?
5. Would you recommend it to a friend, and if so, why?
I look forward to watching your testimonial and hearing how the program helped you.
Thank you so much for being part of this global community and sharing your reflections.
Be Mindful after May
Continue your mindfulness journey for 6-months with guidance from Elise and extend your access to the Mindful in May program. Register before June 1st and save $100.
stay on track
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If you'd like to make a donation and be part of this impact you can still do so right here - every $50 will bring clean water to one person for life!

If you'd like to contribute and sponsor to a fellow MIMster you can find the fundraising teams here.