Day Twenty-nine

Frank Ostaseski

Powerful lessons from the dying on how to live a good life

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Video Objectives

In this video you’ll learn:

  • The "Five Invitations" that are crucial ingredients to living a good life
  • The difference between acceptance and resignation and how acceptance is a powerful step towards deep personal transformation
  • Three ways we can manage emotions and how to most skillfully manage our emotions to reduce our suffering
  • Powerful advice for living a life of greater purpose
  • How mindfulness can build greater courage in your life and support healthy risk taking
About Frank Ostaseski


Zoe Kanat is a qualified Meditation teacher, mindfulness educator and coach, and trained Psychotherapist and Counsellor. Zoe currently facilitates meditation classes at Happy Melon Studios, SpiritGrow and privately. She is a tutor at Monash University, Department of General Practice, as part of the health Enhancement Program led by Associate Professor Dr Craig Hassed. Zoe has recently assumed a position on the board of Meditation Association of Australia, the national peak body representing meditation and mediation teachers.


WrIte your own obituary To wake up to what matters most

Today, as a way of reflecting on the vision you have for yourself, take time to imagine that you’ve reached the end of your life, and write your own obituary as you would like it to be. How do you want to be remembered?

Although reflecting on our own mortality may seem morbid, taking a moment to consider our own death can wake us up to the preciousness of our life and to how we want to live it. As the poet Mary Oliver asked, ‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’

In this obituary, you can paint a picture of the life you have lived, reflecting upon all its different aspects:

• Family.

• Career.

• Your biggest accomplishments.

• Your greatest contributions.

• What you stood for as a person.

• What most mattered to you.

This retrospective reflection on your life may give you a clearer perspective on what really matters.


Make sure you integrate the learnings from the past month by downloading this end of the program reflection guide and take time to reflect on all you have learned. Download it here.


Be Mindful after May
Continue your mindfulness journey for 6-months with guidance from Elise and extend your access to the Mindful in May program. Register before June 1st and save $100.

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